Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Catching up on Life

Well, will you look at that?!! It's been almost a year since I posted. Similar to the way my journal used to be.  I managed to get 10 years in one journal. But I "turned over a new leaf" and now I write daily in my journal. So maybe my new goal can be to post more frequently. Honestly, I do have a good reason ...several actually. My husband and I are currently serving a Local Service Mission for our church which gives us frequent opportunities to serve those who are struggling to buy food. We have enjoyed it so very much and feel truly blessed by this opportunity. We finished our 1 year commitment and enjoyed it so much that we "re-upped" for another year which will be ending in June. I don't want to stop so we are going to see if they will let us continue. I can see the blessings from this service in many areas of our lives.
While we are busy with that, I continue to sew especially in the evenings. The creativity and work are relaxing, soothing, and challenging all at the same time.  Especially as I design new if I could just figure out a way to market them!
Here are some of the newest things I've been creating...
 These "Lappys" not only cover the 
little person's front, but they lay in their lap and protect their clothes -where all the crumbs fall. They have the cutest applique and embroidered designs. I'm especially partial to the sea creatures, but the dinosaurs are cute, too. Oh, and the bee is adorable...well, I guess they are all my favorite!
 But wait, there's more....We have fallen into the terrible habit of eating while watching television. Something I would have NEVER done when the children were home. So you think you can eat a sandwich without getting a dollop of mustard on your shirt, but maybe not. That happens most frequently when you are wearing your best clothes thinking you will change later. So this is the adult version which Velcros around your neck and keeps Mom's and Dad's clothes clean. Interestingly, so many women buy these for their husbands. "I don't need one yet, but he makes a mess" is what I hear. Really, admit it, you might not make as big of a mess, but chances are you have a stain or two on the front of a t-shirt from an errant piece of lettuce!! Just saying, there is no shame in being preventative about this. And the cute sayings and fun embroidery make it A-OK to wear one no matter who you are!

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